Saturday, April 16, 2005

The one single aspect of European welfare states that has to be kept in mind is that it is inherently dependent on exploitation of a set of worker-consumers... that do not have welfare state protections, namely, the American worker-consumer. This exploitation happens in the form of an export surplus in Europe's favor which, in effect, provides the crucial financing that keeps the welfare state solvent.

Should Americans institute a welfare state tomorrow, and raise taxes to a necessary rate to support that kind of state, the European welfare states would not be able to support themselves economically. For the purchasing power of the American consumer - which exists only because the American worker-consumer gets taxed so little compared to the European worker - is what maintains the European welfare state.

Thus the European welfare state is inherently exploitative. However, this reality is always soft-pedaled, and Europeans constantly try to use ruses to portray the welfare state as benign. Witness all the peace-initiatives, and all the advocacy for foreign aid (when dropping welfare-state tariffs are much more effective in helping the developing world). And, of course, the use of the best weapon of all: America-bashing.

Yet it is the greed and stingyness of the welfare state that is more exploitative in the world. America redistributes wealth on a massive scale (hundreds of millions of Chinese have been lifted out of poverty, thanks to the American worker-consumer). The European welfare state economy, on the other hand, consumes most all of its surplus wealth on its own people.

The truth is hard to bear, for welfare-statists. That is why thinking along these lines tends to be actively suppressed in Europe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I would certainly like every nation to be a wellfare state, well on their own. Definitely USA also. For the benefit of their own people. I certainly wish them better and more coherent politics.

It is unfortunate, that the current US invade the world/invite the world -policy, along with economy outsourcing will cause them ever increasing problems, that you constantly ignore in your blatant rants - but you would probably even if the problems could materialize and literally bite you in the ass.

Norwegian peace researcher Johan Galtung has given an estimation, year or couple ago, that the USA would disintegrate after 25 years - and within 20, if 'W' Bush is let to continue with his regime. Now many will laugh at this, but his estimation of the collapse of the USSR (The Soviet Union) - which some americans laughed at once - was correct within couple of months.

I am deeply concerned about the future of the Euro-American population of USA, I think most Europeans also are, even if you cannot understand the critisism as critisism based on facts, not the usual tired, paranoid "bigotry" crap, that you, unable to argue on factual basis, throw to rescue your ailing views.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Finnpundit said...

The link you provided is quite interesting, but it actually supports the notion that America has better success in assimilating immigrants - illegal or not - than Europe. Of course, like all left-wing rants, it ends with a dire prediction of what horror is surely to come. But we'll deal with that if and when it comes. Usually, it never does come.

I'm all for more immigrants, Hispanic, Asian, African, - whoever. The more, the better. America has proven time and time again that it is the most successful nation in the world in handling mass immigration movements. Unlike Europe.

As to Galtung, he is a quack. I've read his reports, and those of his Norwegian detractors. Try to come up with some better references, rather than some phony "peace" researchers.

As to the future of the Euro-American population in the USA, I am not at all concerned. I am happy to share American values with all immigrants, wherever they come from. And I am surprised by your assumption that the Euro-American population should be concerned about their future. That is a blatantly racist attitude to take.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, USA seems to have some social problems - how would you explain the fact that US has ca. 1,5 million people behind the bars - every 1 in 140 is jailed. Somehow, this resembles the situation in the USSR - which also executed it's citizens. Execept that numbers look worse for the USA.

And there also seems to be politically incorrect doomsday prophets within the USA. Of course, one can always give hints of the things to expect, in a more gentle and analytical .. shall I say, European way.

Could you still clarify your status: are you a citizen of Finland or USA?

4:55 PM  
Blogger Finnpundit said...

I can't believe you've actually bought all that racist twaddle. But of course, it makes sense: you're a Finn. Scratch a Finn deep enough and you'll expose the inherent racist within. Scratch a social democratic welfare statist, and you'll find the same.

And you wonder why I insist on the English language in this blog. The perverse nature of the Finnish people should be exposed, for all the world to see.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finnpundit, the US idea of a melting pot is a nice idea but exists only to small extent. Considering that a major section of the US population was disenfranchised until 35 on the colour of their skin, and US cities remain as "ghettoised", or more so, than European cities. Even when minority communities start doing well in socio-economic terms they still remain seperated on ethnic grounds - see the rise of "black middle class suburbs" in places like Atlanta. Also look at intermarriage between different 'racial' groups - it happens much much more in the UK as an example than it does in the US.

BTW, I enjoy reading your blog, but the constant everything Finnish - bad; everything US - good is starting to get a bit tiresome. Do you really see everything in such a black and white way?

5:57 AM  
Blogger Finnpundit said...

What's wrong with ghettos? They're wonderful! They provide a social safety network within a specific ethnic group that helps in their ongoing assimilation, - or at least, that's the case in the US. Look at the Chinatowns, both in San Fran and in NY. Look at how wealthy Harlem is now. Look at all the other ethnic communities: each one fosters a senses of community which does not exist outside the ghetto, and which builds a legacy and history that supports the ethnic group in its assimilation. Look at how the legacy of Little Italy, or the Jewish Lower East Side, still lives within those ethnic groups, even though they have been assimilated.

Not so in France, Belgium, or the Netherlands, for example: those ghettos are a disaster, because they lack access to the outside society. And that is simply because of the failures of the welfare states, that see ghettos as a problem, and not as a value.

I live in a Hispanic ghetto right now, and I find the experience richly rewarding. I'm totally accepted in the neighborhood, and I've formed friendships with many in the community. Ghettos are a good thing.

As to the tone of this blog, keep in mind that the focus of this blog is Finland, not the US. There are plenty of blogs about American politics out there; in fact, most Europeans learn to criticize things about America through America's own critics.

Finland, however, it so insular in nature, there is very little self-criticism going on within. Finns are remarkably obtuse about that. It's really not that I'm supporting American policies 100%, it's the fact that Finns use America as the measuring stick for everything.

Yet their bigotry and ignorance is astounding. I'm constantly floored every time I encounter it. That is why I began this blog, and what motivates me to continue. The beast of the Finnish social welfare state, - the source of all that bigotry - has to be confronted, and slain.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you've actually bought all that racist twaddle.

I didn't. But certain number of US citzens have - didn't you note the rewiewer comments? Why do I need to remind you that the former online/print publication was of America, by America and for America? Why is it so hard for you to comment the ill development in USA - instead you attack again the messenger, in order to evade the sore issues. How unsecure you feel already?

You did not answer my question of the high numbers of prisoners in the USA. Why? The dark side of your laissez faire ideology exposed again?

This I found particulary amusing in your smallotry:

The beast of the Finnish social welfare state, - the source of all that bigotry - has to be confronted, and slain.

Now what do you propose as an alternative? Imported 'democracy' รก la South America (courtesy of CIA covert operations)? Wouldn't it be better that the indigenous citizens of Finland are let to decide themselves about that? We have free and unmanipulated elections, you know?

As for your "living in the ghetto", I can smell the rat. You are not credible. By the way, you did not answer my question about your social background either. Why?

2:32 PM  
Blogger Finnpundit said...

I can point you to any number of Finnish Nazi Party sites; ugliness exists in every society. So your point is totally moot.

As to America's other problems, again, this site is not about what's wrong with America. This site is about what's wrong with Finland.

As to what to do about it, well, there are a number of possibilities. The first step, though, is to get outside nations to understand how Finland freeloads, and how Finland exploits the outside world. After that, where there's a will to change things, there's a way...

And I'll answer questions whenever I feel like it: not when it's demanded. It's easy to see a baited question, after all. As you don't seem to believe facts when I do tell, it really doesn't matter if I answer your questions or not.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can point you to any number of Finnish Nazi Party sites; ugliness exists in every society. So your point is totally moot.

So your criticism of Finland is totally moot, eh (according to your logic)?

As to what to do about it, well, there are a number of possibilities.

Implanting moles and agent provocateurs.. speaking of which .. you seem to fit the picture.

The first step, though, is to get outside nations to understand how Finland freeloads, and how Finland exploits the outside world.

Finland does not or has not had any colonies, neither it has not been based on such activities. We do not either receive subsidies that are out of boundaries of EU or WTO, for example. We pay our foreign trade, and we are bound to Euro monetary system (compared to US, that has played trickery with dollar)?

Where do you get that "freeloading"? Finns upload too much free computer software from internet? I admit, I loaded Mozilla 1.7.7 recently :-)

After that, where there's a will to change things, there's a way...

That is being decided on elections. Or do you again mean froreign intervention?

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh... dear finnpundit

In the history of this world, there never has been a regime or system that would have lasted forever. So your fundamentalistic views are as doomed as Finnish wellfare state. Change is inevitable so I advise you to try to change your hateful energy to more positive one.

8:39 AM  

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